So it begins! My first Goodfire Post
Well, well, well, if it isn’t my very first blog post
Why make a blog at all? I’ve been asking myself that same question since I began this process roughly 6 or seven years ago, so it’s been quite the process.
Throughout my quest for cultural and prescription-burning information, I’ve assembled a mental hodgepodge of different sites, podcasts, photographers, galleries, and national journalists who write about the topic. A side of finding an excellent short-term social media publisher for a prescribed burn association or fire district. There seems to be no clearing house for everything I want.
In this blog, I will get more granular on topics like weather, smoke analysis, and even burn patterns. But I will also feature some stand-out programs and people doing extraordinary things locally with little to no resources and getting the good fire back on the ground.

I make a living as a visual storyteller and provide a lot of scientific analysis to my journalistic partners. Here, you will see, hopefully, a wonderful representation of what I see in the forest and everywhere else. I will try to use as much of my own material as possible.
I will allow and enjoy your comments, provided they are positive, inclusive, and adhere to today’s social standards. I will make posts regarding politics, but I assure you, I am not taking sides. I am merely commenting on the current event. Respectfully, in your comments, please do not go crazy with one-sided, anecdotal situations or political commentary.
Let’s all focus on changing the narrative in the media and socially so that widespread effective stewardship and ecologically sound keeping of the Earth become mainstream.